Our approach to investors
Information to shareholders, investors and analysts
What we do
We provide the financial market with accurate, relevant, and timely information, and assist you in understanding our business, strategy, and financial performance.
How we do it
This home page is a good start, where we’ve gathered information which we think is useful. Also, we regularly visit capital markets events, host calls and meetings in addition to other ways of communicating. Check out our calendar, or just reach out to us, our lines are open!
Why we do it
We strive to create an awareness and understanding of our company that helps the financial market to correctly assess our value, which in turn results in a fair valuation of our share.
Silent period
We observe a silent period prior to the publication of interim and year-end reports. This means that we don’t arrange meetings with financial market actors during this time and avoid other means of communication too. The silent period lasts from the end of the reporting period (quarter, year) until the publication of the report. Our reports are normally published at 07.00 CET/CEST.