Safe, stimulating and inclusive workplace
Our most important resource is our employees. Committed, motivated employees create the conditions for being able to deliver effectively and with high quality. We prioritize activities in three areas to be an attractive employer and create the best possible conditions for employees. In this way, we contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goal 8.
- Green Landscaping Group has a zero vision for workplace accidents. It also has established routines for incident and accident reporting. Safety training is regularly offered to employees and subcontractors. Regular, systematic workplace inventories are also carried out to identify situations and tasks where action is required to develop and improve the work environment and safety.
- Training and skill development are prioritized in order to create a participatory, motivating and stimulating workplace. Managers are offered training in coaching techniques.
- Green Landscaping Group absolutely believes in diversity in the workplace. The Group is
working proactively to increase awareness within the organization about this, which includes the recruitment function and leadership positions in particular.